Saturday, October 11, 2014

A Synchronous Laugh

The fondest of images in my mind are; 

(1) my brothers sat side by side all excited laughing together about something or other. Yes, most of the time they're laughing at the screen of an iPad, but so long as they're both looking at "one" screen and laughing like crazy "together". 
That's enough to make my heart smile <3

(2) my parents talking, telling a story, discussing work, the house, us, and suddenly bursting out into laughter together.
That synchronous laugh means the world <3


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Once upon a time

I was talented once upon a time.

I was a photographer; I respected color and light, saw hidden angles and untold stories.

I was a lot of things before, I was fierce, energetic and daring.

What am I now? Is this what growing up is?

I look into the mirror every day trying to find the answer, who am I?

Friday, October 3, 2014

Feeling bad

I thought I'd already accepted the fact that sometimes I'd have to sacrifice family time in exchange for study/work time.

But I never cease to feel bad each time my little brothers come in to my room and ask, "Will you play Monopoly with us?"

Nor does my answer of, "I have to study/work," ever stop them from replying, " but you always have to study!"
